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Lion Safari

Right now you can’t go on safari through Africa with us.

But, we can bring Africa to your screen.

You have been asked to wait before you travel again, but that doesn’t mean that Africa has to stop showing off her beauty.

Experience South Africa from your couch.

You are probably wondering how it is possible to experience the absolute beauty of this magnificent country from your couch, right?

Close your eyes. Yes, you read that correctly. Close your eyes and imagine everything you know about South Africa. Imagine everything you have researched. The pristine landscapes, breathtaking views, cosmopolitan Cape Town and the abundance of wildlife.

Imagine all of the below;

  • The sound of the waves crashing on that beautiful beach in Camps Bay
  • The clouds drifting over the top of Table Mountain
  • The mighty roar of the lion in the Kruger National Park
  • The winding hiking trails through the Drakensberg Mountains
  • Camping under the stars on the banks of the Orange River

When the time is right, South Africa will be ready to make your travel dreams come true.

The stars will be brighter than ever.

The hiking trails will be wilder than ever.

And the lions roar will be louder than ever.


Until then, let us take you on a virtual tour.

[ Video made and edited by @suitcasestories ]

Acacia will be ready when the time is right.

Until then:

Start polishing those hiking boots.

⤞Dust off your binoculars.

⤞Go on a hunt around your house to find your sleeping bag.

⤞Start preparing for the day you can travel again.

Get yourself safari ready.

Learn more about the ‘Big 5’ from home.