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Are you a keen solo female traveller, or is the idea of forging your own path across the globe on your bucket list?  If the answer is yes to either of those questions, why not join us for our #WomenGoSolo social media initiative on International Women’s Day, Friday 08 March. We’ll be sharing inspirational content across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram throughout the day, and to help us spread the message far and wide, we’ve teamed up with fourteen solo female travel bloggers to empower more women to see the world alone.

Namibia_Deserts (3)OUR AIM

When unfortunate events make the headlines, solo female travel isn’t always portrayed in a positive light, and so our #WomenGoSolo initiative was born, our goal to change the narrative.

We’re here to say, it’s something to be celebrated, it can be done safely, and by starting a conversation with a network of expert bloggers, we are hoping to encourage more women to give themselves the gift of solo female travel.

We couldn’t have picked a better date to launch as International Women’s Day is dedicated to making a positive difference for women everywhere, and we’re excited to be collaborating with such inspirational adventurers.


You can also be part of our solo female travel initiative, so please join us and share any inspirational quotes, anecdotes, tips or blog posts using the #WomenGoSolo hashtag.

If you’re still contemplating the idea of wandering alone, this will be a great opportunity to dive in and ask any questions.  The Acacia Africa team have decades of combined experience when it comes to going it alone on the road, and out on tour and our blogging partners also know the pluses and pitfalls of beating down your own path.

By bringing together the Acacia team and a vibrant community of solo female travellers, we’re sure that our #WomenGoSolo initiative will inspire more of us to take on the challenge, everyone involved helping to make the switch to solo travel even more rewarding.

Bold and bright, you can also share our #WomenGoSolo logo on your social media profiles and even support us on the day by making this your profile picture!



adult-braided-hair-brown-hair-887900MEET OUR EXPERTS

We’ve teamed up with some amazing women, each one a keen supporter of solo female travel.  They all have fascinating stories and words of wisdom to share on their blogs, so why not give them a visit and get to know our adventurous travel tribe online…

Victoria Alao – Editor of The Stylish Trotter 

Portia Jones – Editor of Pip & The City 

Rebecca Kroegel – Editor and Founder of solo female travel community She Roams Solo 

Samantha Wragg –  Editor of Coco Travels 

Kaye Holland – Travel journalist & Presenter, Women’s Radio Station 

Wambui Gichobi – environmentalist, photographer & film producer 

Victoria Philpott – Editor of Vicky Flip Flop 

Katie McIntosh – Editor of The Katie Show Blog 

Lauren Detweiler – Digital Marketer & Editor of Latitudes of Lauren

Rachel Taylor – Editor of Taylor Made Travels

Jacki Ueng – Editor of Bohemian Vagabond  

Inma Gregorio – Editor of A World to Travel

Catherine Bodry – Head of Travel Support at Loco2


Catherine Mack – Content Creator at Loco2


Loco2: is the award-winning comparison & booking platform for train and bus tickets in the UK and Europe. Recognised in 2018 as the UK Transport Supplier of The Year, Loco2 enables low cost booking for train travel throughout the UK and Europe. Loco2’s mission is to offer a low CO2 way to travel, at a low price, hence the name. Users can buy tickets in just a few taps on mobile via the Loco2 app (App Store and Play Store) or on



We have a firm following of female solo travellers and while our camping and accommodated overland tours and small group safaris cater to both genders, around 42% are currently single women, their numbers steadily increasing.

Swakopmund, Vilanculos, the Victoria Falls, Lake Malawi, and more recently Pretoria and Durban (new for 2019), are popular locations for travellers to test out their solo-skills en route through Africa – our tours combining a well-balanced mix of group time and “me-time.”